SOAR Analysis Guide: Identifying Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, & Results

How AI is scored in the workplace and why the potential of SOAR analysis for your key benefits for your organization means teaching and fine tunning better AI GPTs. We presenting our secrets behind the SOAR.

In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, organizations constantly seek ways to not just survive but to thrive.

The key to success lies not only in recognizing challenges and weaknesses but also in harnessing strengths, exploring opportunities, and setting visionary aspirations.

Whenever it comes to holistic and forward-thinking strategic planning, the SOAR analysis framework emerges as a beacon of hope.

If you're interested in knowing about the potential of SOAR analysis and want to know its benefits for your organization, you've come to the right place.

Here we are, presenting our SOAR Analysis Guide:

What is SOAR Analysis?

SOAR analysis is a strategic planning and management tool that stands for Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results.

It is a framework used by organizations to assess their current situation and develop strategies for the future. SOAR analysis is similar to the more well-known SWOT analysis(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), but it focuses on a more positive and forward-looking perspective.

Here's a brief explanation of each component of SOAR:


·       Internal Attributes: This aspect of the analysis involves identifying an organization's internal strengths and core competencies. These can include factors such as skilled workforce, patents, proprietary technology, strong leadership, efficient processes, and unique resources.

·       Core Competencies: Understanding what the organization does exceptionally well and how it can leverage these competencies to gain a competitive edge is a crucial part of this analysis.

·       Value Proposition: What does the organization offer that sets it apart from competitors? This can be a key focus in assessing strengths.

·       Reputation: The organization's reputation, both within the industry and among customers, is also a significant strength.


·       Market Trends: Identifying and analyzing current and emerging trends in the market is vital. This can include economic, technological, cultural, or regulatory trends.

·       Competitive Landscape: Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of competitors can reveal opportunities where the organization can outperform them.

·       Customer Needs: Identifying unmet or evolving customer needs can open up new opportunities for products or services.

·       Partnerships and Collaborations: Exploring potential partnerships or collaborations that can help the organization tap into new markets or resources.


·       Vision: A clear, compelling, and shared vision of what the organization aspires to achieve in the long term is fundamental. This vision can guide the strategic direction.

·       Mission: The organization's mission statement should reflect its purpose and the value it provides to its stakeholders, including customers, employees, and the community.

·       Values: Defining the core values that guide the organization's behavior and decision-making is essential for maintaining alignment with its aspirations.

·       Goals and Objectives: Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals is a key component of aspirations. These goals should be closely aligned with the organization's vision.


·       Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):Identifying and tracking KPIs that measure progress toward goals and objectives is crucial. KPIs can be related to financial performance, customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and more.

·       Metrics and Measurement: Establishing a system for collecting, analyzing, and reporting data related to the chosen KPIs is necessary for effective tracking of results.

·       Feedback and Adaptation: Regularly reviewing progress and being willing to adapt strategies based on results is acritical part of this phase.

·       Accountability: Clearly defining roles and responsibilities for achieving results ensures that the organization remains on track.

Step-By-Step Guide Of Doing SOAR Analysis

This comprehensive guide will provide you with a detailed and structured approach to conducting a SOAR analysis, helping you uncover valuable insights and align your organization's efforts with its long-term aspirations and objectives.

1.     Define the Scope and Objectives

Define the specific area, department, or aspect of your organization that you want to analyze with the SOAR framework. It could be related to products, services, a particular market segment, or the organization as a whole.

Be explicit about the objectives of the analysis. What do you hope to achieve? This could be improving a specific aspect of your organization, increasing market share, enhancing customer satisfaction, etc.

2.     Stakeholder Engagement

Create a list of key stakeholders who should be part of the SOAR analysis process. This can include employees, managers, board members, customers, suppliers, or industry experts.

Communicate the purpose of the analysis to these stakeholders and emphasize the importance of their participation. Ensure their commitment and engagement.

3.     Strengths Identification

Conduct structured brainstorming sessions, surveys, or interviews to identify internal strengths. Consider aspects such as your organization's unique selling points, skilled personnel, proprietary technology, financial stability, brand reputation, and efficiency in operations.

Use a scoring system or matrix to rank and prioritize these strengths based on their potential impact on your objectives.

4. Opportunity Assessment

Analyze external factors and trends that present opportunities for your organization. These can include market growth, emerging technologies, regulatory changes, shifts in consumer behavior, or new markets.

Evaluate the attractiveness and feasibility of these opportunities and prioritize them based on their alignment with your objectives and your organization's capabilities.

5.     Aspirations and Goals Setting

Clearly articulate your organization's long-term aspirations and goals. This is where you define your vision for the future and the positive impact you want to create.

Ensure that your aspirations are not only specific but also inspiring and consistent with your organization's mission and core values.

6.     Metrics and Action Plans

Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that will help you measure progress towards your aspirations and objectives. Ensure these KPIs are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Develop actionable strategies and action plans to leverage your strengths and opportunities to achieve your goals. Specify the responsible individuals or teams, deadlines, and resource requirements for each action.

7.     Ongoing Monitoring and Adaptation

Set up a system for continuous monitoring and measurement of your chosen KPIs. Regularly collect and analyze data to assess progress.

Establish mechanisms for stakeholders to provide feedback and insights. Periodically review and adapt your strategies and action plans to address challenges and capitalize on new opportunities.

What Are The Reasons To Use SOAR Analysis?

SOAR analysis is used for several reasons in organizations and strategic planning processes due to its unique focus on strengths, opportunities, aspirations, and results.

Here are some of the key reasons to use SOAR analysis:

Positive and Proactive Approach: SOAR analysis encourages organizations to focus on what they do well (strengths) and what they can achieve (aspirations) in a positive and proactive manner. It fosters an optimistic outlook and can be motivating for stakeholders.

Capitalizing on Opportunities: The opportunities component of SOAR analysis allows organizations to identify and leverage external factors that can be advantageous. It helps organizations stay agile and adapt to changing market conditions.

Stakeholder Engagement: Involving various stakeholders in the SOAR analysis process can lead to a shared vision and a sense of ownership in the organization's future. This can improve buy-in and commitment to strategic initiatives.

Strategic Focus: SOAR analysis provides a clear and structured framework for strategic thinking. It narrows the focus to what's most important for the organization's success, reducing the risk of "analysis paralysis."

When To Use A SOAR Analysis?

A SOAR analysis can be a valuable tool in various situations and contexts within an organization.

Here are some scenarios in which it is beneficial to use a SOAR analysis:

·       Strategic Planning: SOAR analysis is often employed during the strategic planning process to set the direction for an organization. It helps define the strategic vision and goals, align them with strengths and opportunities, and measure progress toward achieving those goals.

·       Business Development: When exploring new markets, products, or services, a SOAR analysis can help identify the organization's current capabilities and how they can be leveraged to seize new opportunities.

·       Organizational Change: During times of change, such as mergers, acquisitions, or significant internal transformations, a SOAR analysis can assist in assessing the current state and defining a clear vision for the future.

·       Product or Service Launch: Before launching a new product or service, a SOAR analysis can help evaluate the strengths and opportunities related to the offering and align them with the organization's aspirations for that product or service.

·       Performance Assessment: Periodically assessing an organization's performance is vital for continuous improvement. SOAR analysis can be used to gauge the organization's strengths and areas for growth, allowing for strategic adaptations.

·       Innovation and Problem Solving: Organizations often use SOAR analysis to foster innovation and creative thinking. By focusing on strengths and opportunities, it can inspire teams to develop unique solutions to challenges.

Final Verdict

In a world that often emphasizes weaknesses and challenges, the SOAR analysis stands as a refreshing approach.

It offers a chance to focus on strengths, seize opportunities, set ambitious aspirations, and realize impressive results.

This method encourages a positive outlook, promotes teamwork, and ensures alignment with an organization's mission and values.

By knowing your strengths, exploring opportunities, setting visionary aspirations, and measuring results, you can truly soar towards a brighter and more prosperous future.

So, take that first step and start shaping your success story today.


How does SOAR Analysis differ from SWOT Analysis?

SOAR Analysis and SWOT Analysis are similar in that they both assess an organization's internal and external factors. However, the key difference is that SOAR emphasizes strength sand aspirations (positive aspects) and opportunities, while SWOT includes strengths and weaknesses (internal factors) as well as opportunities and threats(external factors).

When is the best time to use SOAR Analysis?

SOAR Analysis is valuable in various contexts, such as strategic planning, goal setting, and organizational development. It's most beneficial when an organization wants to focus on its positive attributes and future ambitions, making it particularly useful for growth and innovation initiatives.

How can I identify an organization's aspirations in SOAR Analysis?

Answer: Aspirations in SOAR Analysis are the future-oriented, high-level goals an organization aims to achieve. To identify them, you can conduct brainstorming sessions, surveys, or interviews with stakeholders to gather their input on the organization's vision and long-term objectives.
