
Let's Help you
for the AI era

Our Manifesto at Rantir is that you pay one time, own forever. If you need custom services, you can subscribe for those. If your need hosting, we would love to introduce you to our cloud offering. Simple and straightforward and not bloated.

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Guides function as the foundation for users to begin their journey using Rantir and we can help along the way.

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Licensing Concerns and Subscriptions

Our software is under the Fair-Use license which prohibits the use of resell and multi-tenant. Otherwise most other use-cases are fair game!

Compliance, contracts, and beyond can be seen here:

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Need Custom Services

Go Enterprise to get custom support for as low at $299/M for building robust dashboards, components and data and integration for your project. And do so with AI.

Get Custom Support

If you're looking to start using our platform, simply visit our main website to get started. We hope our documentation helps you make the most out of our service.